Aurelia Logo

What is this site?

This site is for a new Discord bot. It'll host the bot's dashboard, bot information, news, etc.

What kind of bot is Aurelia?

She's a general purpose bot. She's also aiming to bring features to server owners, that are restricted because of paywalls. Aurelia will still have some paid features, but will be less restrictive to 95% of servers.

She's not here to limit anyone, but she does have to make her own living. That's why she's taking a different pathway from other Discord bots.

And... What would be paid then?

Features that are used 95% or more, will be free. This limits a lot for Aurelia to make her living, but opens more for server owners! Things that she stores for long periods of time, outside of core features will be restricted. This can include logs.

There will be more paid features later, just nothing that breaks our core values.

So, who is the developer then?

Aurelia is developed by one person, but she's not ready to say from whom. But she'll give you some background information on why she exists.

This guy, we'll go with "John" for now. He created a simple bot running in Python, a few years back. This bot handled a support line for another bot, which he also made a website for applications. That website was for the bot's staff team. John, was the community manager for that community. He ended up leaving the CM position, due to neglect from the bot's owner. The owner started limiting what the staff team could do to help, closing the Discord server for normal user (for over a year), and many other things. This left the CM position doing nothing. John tried to ask for things and was completely ignored. John felt the owner had no care for their team anymore. So John ended up giving a reason to leave (after multiple attempts of contacting the owner) and was then asked to leave from the owner, because of inactivity. John felt left out, even though he was around when the Discord bot was in under 100 servers in size. When John left, the bot was in over a million servers.

So that's where John came from. Today, he still holds to the core values he wanted that other bot to have (which used to be). John hopes to allow all the features from that bot, but restore all the values that was taken out. But at the same time, bring newer features for others to enjoy.

What language is the bot written in?

The core bot is written in GoLang. There are plans to include other languages.